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Home Sweet Home?


Public Service Announcement (PSA) for a community park

Use: Social Media

Time: 2 ½ minutes 


Objective: To present the problem of not picking up after dogs when visiting the park in a fun, non-offensive manner. The family behaves like wildlife, hiding from the "intruders" who take no notice of them and think nothing of leaving their dog's poop in their home. 


Archetype: The Innocent

The family portrays the innocent existence of squirrels in the woods, while the visitors and their canine are innocently enjoying nature.  The impact of the behavior is stressed without judging the visitors. It encourages the viewer to have a new perspective on the behavior and to consider a different, more responsible course of action. 

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A Beautiful Day​


Public Service Announcement (PSA) for a community park

Use: Social Media

Time: 5 minutes


Objective: To present the problem of not picking up after dogs when visiting the park in a fun, non-offensive manner. The family is likable, unpretentious, funny. The visitors seem like everyday normal people.


Archetype: The Regular Guy/Gal

The family portrays a typical family at home, joking around and enjoying a family dinner together. The visitors seem friendly and engaging — out enjoying a beautiful day. It is unthinkable that such a behavior could happen among all this normalcy, right? The inconsideration lurks in the behavior and is not meant to be a character judgement. Juxtaposing this home situation to that of the home life of animals in an ecosystem presents a dilemma. From this perspective we can influence viewers to consider another behavior that is better for everyone. 

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