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the hero: aspiring

The hero aspires to do what needs to be done no matter the cost  — with courage, selflessness, endurance, and an insatiable passion for brilliance. 

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invitation: test drive a Tesla Model 5

The hero gets behind the wheel and sets her own course — assisted by the best equipment and experts to advise her —  confidence guides her to the next opportunity. 


corporate brochure: responsible investing

The hero is aware of his impact on the world, including the shadow cast as a result of doing business — a metric that must weigh in when determining true success.  Primum non nocere — first, do no harm — isn't just about medicine but must also apply to the impact all business operations have on our world.


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The hero prepares for challenges and faces them head-on: research, the right tools, an accurate map, and the courage to see each leg of the journey in its own unique light enables the hero to make steady progress toward goals.


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The everyday hero has a critical presence in all our lives — a parent, a teacher, a mentor, a friend — someone who takes an interest in us and helps us get our bearings in this complex world in which we find ourselves.

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