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the warrior: purposeful


Mindful of light and dark forces — both within and without — with an ever-watchful eye for opportunity. Patient, steady, disciplined. Because sometimes — perhaps often — being a true warrior is about standing your ground.


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The warrior navigates the world with determination, always aware of pitfalls — gracefully negotiating them with ease — inspiring all who observe her. 

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The warrior carfeully looks over the situation and formulates a plan of action that takes all scenarios into consideration.

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The warrior's view is sweeping, adept at assimilating large amounts of disparate data into a succinct, insightful plan of action — a playbook that demonstrates a commanding comprehension of the influences acting on a process in play.


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The warrior precisely calculates the angles, speed and dexterity of a manuever — the slightest shift in concentration can mean the difference — so all indicators are taken into account.

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