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the wise one: knowing


With steady, unflinching certainty it looks you straight in the eye, refusing to turn away — the wise one's gaze is powerful, direct, uncompromising — its truth cannot be denied.  


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The wise one keeps tabs on the factors surrounding her that impact her endeavors — enabling her to deftly interact — always keeping her best interests at the forefront of all business affairs.


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The wise one has an appetite for worldly offerings and is open to new experiences. She keeps an open mind, appreciating cultural differences. As Mark Twain said, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness."

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The wise one stays abreast of industry trends, often traveling extensively to gain timely updates that impact critical decisions — adept at working on the road and equipped with the tools that enable seamless communication and exchange of ideas.


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The wise one keeps her wits about her even when her heart is fiercely pounding — though she is courageous enough to take a leap — she puts her faith in making an informed decision.

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